Alteridad e interculturalidad en los viajeros del s.XIX. El caso de Eugène Delacroix
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Nieves Soriano Nieto
This article explores the historical and philosophical context of Delacroix’s oevre so as to shed some light on his orientalism and his adscription to the Romantic movement. His voyage to the «Orient» shaped his conception of oriental alterity, presenting three main stages: his representations of the Orient before, during and after the voyage. These have been illustrated in this article by analysing two of the most popular images of oriental alterity: oriental woman and oriental man as they were represented under the European gaze.
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Com citar
Soriano Nieto, Nieves. “Alteridad e interculturalidad en los viajeros del s.XIX. El caso de Eugène Delacroix”. Cultura, lenguaje y representación: revista de estudios culturales de la Universitat Jaume I, vol.VOL 4, pp. 227-40,