Una Mullera amb esfagnes al Montseny

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Josep M. Panareda i Clopés
Alexis Rosell i Armengol
Josep Nuet i Badia
The presence in the Montseny (Catalonia) of mosses of the genus Sphagnum is known since long time ago. Since they are disjunct with respect to the Sphagnum in the Pyrenees and they are little represented in the Montseny only in the Santa Fe valley their localization in this country has been considered as exceptional and so it has an important biological value.

No group of Sphagnum was found in the latter years, in spite of continuous searching. The negative action of ploughing, the presence of lots of visitors, the abundance of
rubbish and polluted waters in the areas in which Sphagnum rooted seemed to imply that
they are definitely disappeared.

This note describes the finding of a new group of Sphagnum (Sphagnum subnitens
Russ. & Warnst. (=S. Plumulosum Roll) in the valley of Santa Fe (UTM: 31 T, DG 52). This group of Sphagnum lies in a forest of beeches (Helleboro-Fagetum), in a fen phytosociologically close to Juncion acutiflori.

We also notify the finding in the Montseny, in the hillside of the Matagalls, of another species that is characteristic of hydromorphic environments: Pinguicula cf. vulgaris L.

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Com citar
Panareda i Clopés, Josep M. et al. “Una Mullera amb esfagnes al Montseny”. Butlletí de la Institució Catalana d’Història Natural, pp. 147-54, https://raco.cat/index.php/ButlletiICHN/article/view/235814.